Services > Physical Therapy
phys-i-cal ther-a-py
The treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery
Spine Care Practice
Thorough Examination
SportsFocus PT Spine Care begins with a thorough examination of your back or neck injury beginning with the principles of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy or The McKenzie Method. Other evidence-based examination procedures are incorporated based on a patient’s response. The examination begins with obtaining your current medical, surgical, and complaint histories and how these affect your day to day function. The information gained through the interview process allows the therapist to direct the clinical exam to assess your particular problems. Findings from the mechanical examination typically have a pattern that identifies the painful tissues. The examination goal is to determine specific movements (exercises) and postures that are able to decrease your symptoms as well as disclose joint dysfunctions and muscle imbalances that contribute to the problem. A treatment program is then developed to address these problems or impairments. If physical therapy is not indicated, recommendations will be provided.
Patient Education
We offer education including the use of joint models and pictures to help you understand the anatomy and mechanics of your spine as they relate to your complaints. Pain-reducing exercises are then taught to you in the form of a home exercise program to be used at regular intervals so that you may control your symptoms as soon as possible. We will also educate you on how to modify your home and/or work postures and activities to accelerate your recovery and prevent re-injury.
As appropriate, specific self-treatment techniques along with a strategic spine stabilization, flexibility and strengthening exercise program will be devised for you in addition to your home exercise program. We also utilize pain-reducing modalities, mechanical traction and manual therapy if indicated. Once successful with treatment, emphasis is placed on instructing you in a home maintenance and prevention program and recommending lifestyle changes to maintain pain free function. As one of your discharge options, you may want to continue to perform your maintenance program in our Southtowns’ facility. Please check out our Keep It Going! Program.
Extremity Care Practice
Thorough Examination
SportsFocus PT stresses evidence-based and biomechanical evaluation procedures and treatment interventions for injuries to your shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee or ankle. Your initial visit will consist of a comprehensive musculoskeletal examination including your past medical and symptom history. We use range of motion testing, muscle strength testing, special tests specific to the injured joint, and movement assessment (video analysis when required) to identify the tissue that is responsible for your symptoms and loss of function. This information will help us determine the severity of the injury and any contributory factors that can lead to tissue overload and injury.
Patient Education
We offer education including the use of joint models and pictures to help you understand the anatomy and mechanics of your injury as they relate to your complaints. Strategies to reduce pain and personalized exercises are then taught to you in the form of a home exercise program so that you can control your symptoms and start your rehabilitation as soon as possible. We will also educate you on how to modify your home and or work postures and activities to accelerate your recovery and prevent re-injury.
Treatment is then prescribed on an individual basis depending on our clinical findings. Treatment programs generally consist of pain free exercise at a dosage that will specifically address the tissue-level problem. Exercise loads gradually increase as the tissue’s tolerance and strength increases and normal movement patterns are achieved. Your rehab will also have you working on the tasks that you have difficulty performing, sometimes using equipment that allow you to perform the task at less than full body weight. Modalities to decrease inflammation and control pain including ice, moist heat, electrical stimulation and ultrasound, if indicated, may be added to your treatment. Your home exercise program will be updated as you improve to help facilitate your recovery. Once successful with treatment, emphasis on instructing you in a home prevention program along with recommending lifestyle changes to ensure pain free function is completed. As one of your discharge options, you may want to continue to perform your maintenance program in our Southtowns’ facility. Please check out our Keep It Going! Program.
Mary Anne’s Experience…
“I am currently receiving physical therapy treatment for back pain at SportsFocus Physical Therapy. I first went to the Orchard Park facility about four years ago. The whole staff; from the secretaries, physical therapist assistants and physical therapists are extremely friendly and helpful for all of my needs. The physical therapists are extremely knowledgeable and caring. Their number one goal is to alleviate your pain. They focus on treatment and exercises designed specifically for you.
When I was first there for treatment for shoulder pain four years ago, I did a maintenance program that they offered called the “Keep it Going” program for my shoulder. I did the program at first to keep my shoulder rehabilitated, but Jim at SportsFocus designed an exercise program for my whole body. As a bonus I lost 50 pounds and have kept it off since. I am so ever grateful for the time he spent helping me with my exercise program and the encouragement I received from him and other staff members. Other members of my family have been treated there with positive results. I would recommend my friends, family and any person to go to their facility for all rehabilitation and maintenance needs.” – Mary Anne
"Well & Fit" 8 Week Exercise Program
A results-based Health and Wellness Program for individuals with the desire to create a Healthy Lifestyle Change.
Research has consistently shown that exercise is the one treatment that is effective in both prevention and treatment of chronic disease such as Arthritis, Heart Disease, and Diabetes.
General Description of the Program: After consulting with your physician, an individualized exercise program is designed based upon your needs. A pre and post fitness assessment is done such as testing your walking endurance or doing a low level strength test.
Depending upon your preference, you may exercise at home, in your own health club or in our clinic with more individualized supervision.
An initial and subsequent progress report is then forwarded to your physician.
Program Components:
- Pre/post fitness assessment
- Education on benefits of exercise and nutrition in relation to health and wellness
- Endurance training
- Strength training
- Balance training
- Flexibility training
Staying Active Can Help You:
- Improve your strength and endurance to maintain independence as we all age
- Increase your energy level
- Improve your balance
- Reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. and potentially reduce healthcare costs
- Enhance mood/ reduce depression
The opportunity to maintain and improve your activity level is available after completion of the “Well & Fit” program through offerings such as our “Keep it Going” program.
Let us help you get moving…
Consult with your physician to secure medical clearance and recommendations for exercise.
Contact Jim Kuberka CSCS at our Orchard Park location to:
- Schedule a free consultation
- Tour the facility
- Or to make an appointment
Wellness Program Options:
- One visit – Includes education and instruction, for a take home exercise program.
- Two visits – Includes pre and post fitness assessments, with 8 weeks of exercise on one’s own.
- Eight in-clinic visits – Supervised exercise 1x per week, home exercise 2x’s per week, and pre and post fitness assessment.
- Sixteen in-clinic visits – Supervised exercise 2x per week, home exercise 1x per week, and pre and post fitness assessment.

Buffalo (City) Location
531 Virginia Street
Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone (716) 332-4838
Fax 1-888-732-3062
© 2021 SportsFocus Physical Therapy